Download thumbsplus software
Download thumbsplus software

Installing Thumbs Plus is a straightforward task. The installation kit is almost 20 Mb large, so downloading it on a slower Internet connection could take a little longer. All these tasks can be performed from a single, easy to understand user interface.

download thumbsplus software

You can also use it to edit multiple images at once, create web pages and more. Its flexible features will help you organize and catalog your images with greater efficiency. Keeping track of them can be made easier with Thumbs Plus.

  • A powerful search function is included.Since digital cameras have become more accessible, the amount of pictures we have to manage on our hard drives has increased exponentially.
  • The program supports a wide variety of image formats.
  • The program offers support for a wide variety of image formats, including GIF, JPG, PNG, TGA, WMF, BMP, ICO, PCX, RAW, TIF,and many others. You can acquire images from various devices, such as digital cameras or scanners. ThumbsPlus lets you perform various image editing tasks, such as color adjustment, invert colors, apply watermarks and stamps, adjust balance and depth levels, crop images, resize or rotate photos, and more. Moreover, you have the possibility to copy or move items to another location, assign keywords and tags to your images, rename multiple files at once, send items via e-mail, print images, delete files, and much more. The files stored on your hard drive can be viewed as well. ThumbsPlus lets you easily load MDB and TPDB8S and view their content. The included Help file will help you quickly get accustomed to all the application's features. the program can be easily used by both novices and experts.

    download thumbsplus software

    ThumbsPlus comes with a modern-looking interface which offers fast access to the program's options and lets you preview your images, and view the folder structure along with metadata and thumbnails. The application lets you assign keywords to your photos, browse through your image databases, edit your images and their metadata, and much more. ThumbsPlus is a feature-packed and reliable application that enables you to easily manage and view your digital images.

    Download thumbsplus software